toll costs not calculated correctly when fuzzy waypoint used

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toll costs not calculated correctly when fuzzy waypoint used

Post by t.mateit »

Hello all,
on our implementations we are facing strange problem – the toll costs seem not calculated correctly on routes which contain some fuzzy waypoint.
I’ve prepared some examples (please see below), all examples tested on onpremise installation of xRoute, and as well on PTV online version (using our token and path „") with same behavior/pattern.
Screenshots/examples are from Dynamics AX 2012 R3 (from our module CAPcargo Transport & Logistics).

Example A (correct toll costs, without fuzzy radius waypoint)
Loading in Nagylak (HU), unloading in Szeged (HU), with one waypoint in Mako (HU).
Route is planned exactly thru waypoint, toll costs are calculated correctly and fully for whole Nagylak-Mako-Szeged distance, total 3396,06 HUF. Please note short diversion from highway in Mako waypoint, as route is „forced“ to go exactly thru waypoint. Here all correct & expected:

Example B (limited toll costs, with fuzzy waypoint Mako with radius 1000m)
Route is planned more direct, not passing exactly waypoint Mako. Which is good and expected:

But toll cost for this Example B are calculated only in amount of 911,11 HUF. Also please note the slightly faster driving time and shorted driving distance (=expected and correct), so distance & time calculation is working correctly for fuzzy waypoint:
Our suspicion is that toll costs were calculated till waypoint only, and not for road/segments afterwards.

Example C (double check on toll costs).
Creating another test tour, from Nagylak (RO) till Mako (HU) gives following result (=good & expected):

The toll costs for such tour is 934,28 HUF, which is almost same as toll cost result as in Example B. So our Example B suspicion (=that for fuzzy radius waypoints system calculates toll costs only TILL waypoint but not AFTER this waypoint) seems verified:
Additional information:
I guess PTV can calculate toll costs for Example B correctly, perhaps it is some issue with our implementation (=our interface from Dynamics AX 2012 R3 to PTV xServer/xRoute).
1) Can xRoute calculate toll costs correctly even for Example B (=when fuzzy radius waypoint used)?

From our previous communication with PTV (#PTV185970# PTV xRoute – FuzzyRadius, with Alexander Hammer (PTV support Karlsruhe), we were advised how to use fuzzy waypoints. Including the limitation that VehicleOptions cannot be used for segments where fuzzy waypoint used (=in that case PTV uses VehicleOptions from last previous segment. Which is ok). But we never went into discussion whether toll costs are also supported for routes with fuzzy waypoints.
I guess so but can you please confirm that? Just to make sure we are not trying to fix something that is not officially supported/working.

Can you please take a look at my examples and let me know your ideas/comments/experience?

In attachment below I enclose requests and responses for all three examples:
all examples response and
(57.36 KiB) Downloaded 460 times
Many thanks & Best regards
Thomas Mateit & Vaclav Chaloupka, both CAPcargo AG
Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:25 pm

Re: toll costs not calculated correctly when fuzzy waypoint

Post by LNM_PTV »


you use vehicle options in order to configure the vehicle properties from one waypoint to another.
You did not do that for the fuzzy viapoint.
Because you use a default-profile (that is a car profile) in the callercontext, this profile is used for the section from the via point to the endpoint and therefore no truck toll is calculated.
When you use a truck profile in the callercontext the truck toll is calculated correctly.

Best regards,
Lars Moritz
Technical Consultant
PTV GROUP, Germany
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