The samples are based on
- 300 sample customers located in a specifc region of Germany - the component works fine with thousands or even hundred thousand of objects. The more objects you plan, the longer it takes. It might also require an additional solver called GUROBI.
- I applied airline distances for the examples because it is more intuitive. The API works fine with routing DIMAs, too and this is recommended for a production.
- There are two major object categories. The first one is "the location" which knows (x,y) and also a value that is called "activity" (>0).
Where is the best position to serve all the customers from? Example 1b - gravity center of the customers (heterogeneous activities= 8...900)
Where is the best position to serve all the customers from? Example 2a - create more than a single territory (heterogeneous activities= 8...14)
What if I do not seek a single center of gravity for a single area but 4 different centers for 4 new territories?