Use VIA point FUZZY

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Use VIA point FUZZY

Post by VPlachy »

I have a problem with the calculation of the route using point type FUZZY. When I use this type of item I will return to me when calculating error "This service-method does not support vehicle- or routing-options".
I tried to set possible and impossible, but without result.
Please can you give me information about what is needed to have with this type of set point?

csharp code

Code: Select all

          ViaType vt = new ViaType( );
            vt.viaType = ViaTypeEnum.FUZZY;

            for (int x = 0; x < CalculationWayPointsList.Count; x++)

                wayPoints[x] = new WaypointDesc();
                if (CalculationWayPointsList[x].Type == "M")
                    wayPoints[x].linkType = LinkType.FUZZY_LINKING;
                    wayPoints[x].viaType = vt;
                    wayPoints[x].linkType = LinkType.AUTO_LINKING;
                wayPoints[x].fuzzyRadius = 10000;
                wayPoints[x].wrappedVehicleOptions = VehOption;                
                clickPoint = new PTVxServerInternet.XrouteService.PlainPoint { x = CalculationWayPointsList[x].Mercator_Longitude, y = CalculationWayPointsList[x].Mercator_Latitude };
                wayPoints[x].wrappedCoords = new XrouteService.Point[] { new XrouteService.Point { point = clickPoint } };
               ResultListOptions RsltListOptions = new ResultListOptions();
                RsltListOptions.binaryPathDesc = true;
                RsltListOptions.polygon = true;
                RsltListOptions.dynamicInfo = true;
                RsltListOptions.extSegments = true;
                RsltListOptions.featureDescriptions = true;
                RsltListOptions.nodes = true;
                RsltListOptions.speedLimits = true;
                RsltListOptions.segments = true;
                RsltListOptions.texts = true;
                RsltListOptions.detailLevel = DetailLevel.ALL;
                RsltListOptions.polygonElevationsSpecified = true;
                RsltListOptions.polygonElevations = true;
                RsltListOptions.tollManoeuvres = true;

                DateTime dt =  Convert.ToDateTime(dtpStartTime.Value).AddHours(-1);
                string sStartDate = String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dt) + "T" + String.Format("{0:HH:mm}", dt) + "01:00";

                string sIS_DESTTIME = "true";

                if (cbTypJizdyCas.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    sIS_DESTTIME = "false";

                RoutingOption[] RoutOption = new RoutingOption[8];
                RoutOption[0] = new RoutingOption();
                RoutOption[0].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.ROUTE_LANGUAGE;
                RoutOption[0].value = "CS";
                RoutOption[1] = new RoutingOption();
                RoutOption[1].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.COUNTRY_ENCODING;
                RoutOption[1].value = "ISO2";
                RoutOption[2] = new RoutingOption();
                RoutOption[2].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.START_TIME;
                RoutOption[2].value = sStartDate;
                RoutOption[3] = new RoutingOption();
                RoutOption[3].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.IS_DESTTIME;
                RoutOption[3].value = sIS_DESTTIME;
                RoutOption[4] = new RoutingOption();
                RoutOption[4].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.OPTIMIZATION;
                RoutOption[4].value = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Optimisation));
                RoutOption[5] = new RoutingOption();
                RoutOption[5].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.GENERATE_EXTWAYPOINTS;
                RoutOption[5].value = "true";
                RoutOption[6] = new RoutingOption();
                RoutOption[6].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.ENABLE_DYNAMIC;
                RoutOption[6].value = "true";
                RoutOption[7] = new RoutingOption();
                RoutOption[7].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.DYNAMIC_PROFILE;
                RoutOption[7].value = "PTV_TruckAttributes";
 string sXML = Properties.Settings.Default.CalculateProfile;

                string sNewXML = String.Format(sXML,
                                                Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Cylinder_Capacity * 1000.0)),
                                                Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Unload_Weight * 1000.0)),
                                                Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Total_Weight * 1000.0)),
                                                Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Total_Weight * 1000.0)),
                                                Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Unload_Trailer_Weight * 1000.0)),
                                                Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Height * 100.0)),
                                                Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Length * 100.0)),
                                                Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Width * 100.0))

                calculateRouteResponse response = xRoute.calculateRoute(new calculateRouteRequest
                    ArrayOfWaypointDesc_1 = wayPoints,
                    ArrayOfRoutingOption_2 = RoutOption,
                    ResultListOptions_4 = RsltListOptions,
                    CallerContext_5 = new PTVxServerInternet.XrouteService.CallerContext
                        wrappedProperties = new[]
                           new PTVxServerInternet.XrouteService.CallerContextProperty { key = "ProfileXMLSnippet", value = sNewXML }
Thank you.
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Use VIA point FUZZY

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Vladimir,

I assume the issue is caused by an invalid combination of parameters, e.g. a mixture of FuzzyLinking stops AND dynamic routing at the same time (which doesn't fit our data model).

For a proper individual handling I recommend that you
  • capture the XML request
  • get in touch with support
Best regards,

PS: for a quick reproduction your source isn't sufficient - this is why we need the XML or JSON
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Re: Use VIA point FUZZY

Post by Joost »

I think I saw the error in your code:

wayPoints[x].wrappedVehicleOptions = VehOption

This is not allowed for fuzzy points. See also: ... ypointDesc

It explains when vehicleOptions attribute is allowed on a waypoint.
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