Successor of xTour1.toursMustFitIntoSingleOperatingInterval

This forum deals with any kind of trip optimization based on xTour1, xTour2 and the Developer APIs "RouteOptimization" and "SequenceOptimization". No matter whether it is automatic planning or manual dispatching, refering to transport orders or service planning.
Attention: this does not refer to PTV Optiflow SaaS and PTV Developer RouteOptimization Optiflow.
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Bernd Welter
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Successor of xTour1.toursMustFitIntoSingleOperatingInterval

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi there,

recently I've been asked for the xTour2 parameter that replaces xtour1's BaseVehicle property:
toursMustFitIntoSingleOperatingInterval boolean If set to true, tours must fit into a single operating interval. This attribute is ignored for the method planOvernightTours because this use case must consider several operating intervals.
As an example, users modell a vehicle with the 5 operating intervals "monday to friday, 9am to 5pm"...

So here's how Alex and I discussed the two potential values:
  • true : that's the default behaviour. Simply use 5 operating intervals. As a trip has to be contained in a single interval this will ensure the driver returns home at the end of the interval.
    :!: Attention: if your planning approach doesn't use trip delimiters (depots), e.g. because you exclusively plan VisitOrders, this may return single day tours only...
  • false :
    • use one large global interval from "monday 9am" to "friday 5pm"
    • besides the breaks during the day just create further BreakIntervals with fixed length for each night:

      Code: Select all

       "interval": { "$type": "StartEndInterval", "start" : ..monday.. 5pm,    "end" :  ..tuesday.. 9am  },
        "breakTime" : 57600
       "interval": { "$type": "StartEndInterval", "start" : ..tuesday.. 5pm,    "end" :  ..wednesday.. 9am  },
        "breakTime" : 57600
      }, and so forth
Bernd Welter
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PTV Logistics - Germany

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Bernd Welter
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Re: Successor of xTour1.toursMustFitIntoSingleOperatingInterval

Post by Bernd Welter »

Here' also an important sidenote, triggered by parties dealing with service technicians who usually make use of the V
com.ptvgroup.xserver.xtour.VisitOrder class.
  • As VisitOrders are not linked to Depots.
  • As there are no depots there are no trip delimiting elements (check Tours and Trips). No delimiter means : vehicles serves only one trip
  • As trips must fit into an interval there's only one day utilized, if you model the driver with "one interval per day".
:!: You could tackle this effect by using com.ptvgroup.xserver.xtour.TransportOrder instead.
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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