Determine the latest departure times of stations

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Determine the latest departure times of stations

Post by kevinkrueger »

Now, to output our departure times to our stations, we specified "ExactTimeConsiderationAtArrival" in the route calculation. Thereby we got the following error message:
"ExactTimeConsiderationAtArrival mode can not be used if TourRestrictions are requested.".

How can I solve this problem?
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Determine the latest departure times of stations

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Kevin,

in fact this error occurs because we do not compute the break- and rest rules while we create the route from the "reverse angle". Technically this would be possible but in such a case we would start to insert the breaks in the wrong way:
Imagine a driver who is completely refreshed but who needs a break after 4:30 hours.
Forward: based on a refreshed driver in ExactAtStart mode. This structure is what you'd like to get.
Forward: based on a refreshed driver in ExactAtStart mode. This structure is what you'd like to get.
With "ExactAtArrival" we would insert the "first" break 4:30 back from the ArrivalTime and so on.

The output route of such an approach would probably display the "early" breaks way too early.
Now in this case I simulated the expected output with an (impossible) combination of "ExactAtArrival" and "Break- and Restrule of a refreshed driver". The first break occurs somewhere after 2:00 hours which is wrong.
Now in this case I simulated the expected output with an (impossible) combination of "ExactAtArrival" and "Break- and Restrule of a refreshed driver". The first break occurs somewhere after 2:00 hours which is wrong.
What you could do to solve this: Apply an iterative approach
  • Perform a ExactAtStart-Routing with a reference time almost as the desired "arrival time".
  • Use the output arrival time to determine a "shift" period
  • Calculate the route again in "ExactAtStart"-Mode but translate the "start time"
Not the perfect solution but for most cases good enough.

Best regards,

PS: This video shows how we flood the network in a unidirectional case (such as ExactAtStart and ExactAtArrival).
Bernd Welter
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PTV Logistics - Germany

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Bernd Welter
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Re: Determine the latest departure times of stations

Post by Bernd Welter »

quick update... though the following request does not mention "TourOptions" it fails with an

Code: Select all

<soap:Text xml:lang="en">ExactTimeConsiderationAtArrival mode can not
 be used if TourRestrictions are requested.</soap:Text>

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <soap:Body>  <startCalculateRoute xmlns="">
    <request storedProfile="car" xmlns="">
      <requestProfile userLanguage="DE">
          <themes id="PTV_TruckAttributes" enabled="false" />
          <themes id="PTV_TrafficIncidents" enabled="false" />
          <themes id="PTV_TruckSpeedPatterns" enabled="false" />
          <course distanceTimeWeighting="80" />
      <waypoints xmlns:q1="" xsi:type="q1:OffRoadWaypoint" name="1">
          <offRoadCoordinate x="8.9" y="47.74" />
        <tourStopOptions serviceTime="900" />
      <waypoints xmlns:q2="" xsi:type="q2:OffRoadWaypoint" name="2">
          <offRoadCoordinate x="8.05" y="48.63" />
        <tourStopOptions serviceTime="900" />
      <routeOptions currency="EUR">
        <timeConsideration xmlns:q3="" xsi:type="q3:ExactTimeConsiderationAtArrival" referenceTime="2022-12-22T00:00:00" />
      <resultFields waypoints="true" nodes="true" polyline="true" tourReport="true" encodedPath="true" monetaryCostsReport="true">
        <legs enabled="true" polyline="true" tollSummary="true" emissions="true" />
        <segments enabled="true" emissions="true" polyline="true" descriptors="true" roadAttributes="true" id="true" />
        <toll enabled="true" sections="true" systems="true" />
Took me a few seconds to spot the various implicit causes:
  • The waypoints contain tourStopOptions.
  • The resultFields ask for tourReport="true"
  • The resultFields ask for <eventTypes>TOUR_EVENT</eventTypes>
Each one of these triggers the error in this case.

Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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