Radius around a point on the map

This forum covers all questions dealing with visualization of data within the native PTV xMap interface and the
PTV Developer Raster Maps API
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Radius around a point on the map

Post by sauer »


is it possible to draw a radius around a specific point on the map,
for example with a CustomLayer or GeometryLayer?
I want to have a result like in the picture.
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Radius around a point on the map

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Sauer,

I already spoke to some experts from the core development and forwarded your request to some more developers. The answer probably depends on the interface you want to use. I assume you'd like to have a generic approach of

How to display a circle or circle area of R meters around the center (x,y)?

Let's see:
  • native xMap: the pure xMap api does not support a straight object or parameter setting that supports circles. From my perspective you have to compute a sufficient number of polygonpoints in Mercator coordinates. These points have to be provided within a standard Geometry layer or a Custom layer. Attention: if you use a coordinate format besides Mercator the shapes won't be "round". This is why you should compute in Mercator and - if necessary - transform the points into the coord format you want to use in the request. I added a spontaneous xsample here:
    c# codesample
    (175.43 KiB) Downloaded 748 times
    This is the result image:
    Sample output based on Mercator - circles below streets!
    Sample output based on Mercator - circles below streets!

    Code: Select all

    List<PlainPoint> lstPlainPoints = new List<PlainPoint>();
                double arg = Math.PI * 2.0 / n;
                for (int index = 0 ; index<n ; index++)
                    lstPlainPoints.Add(new PlainPoint(){
                        x = x + r * Math.Cos(arg * index),
                        y = y + r * Math.Sin(arg*index)});
  • Any other framework like Ajaxmaps, xServer.NET, ...: it is always an option to provide the same approach as with native xmap. But this is where I request the experts to give a dedicated answer.
Please be patient - I expect them to answer within the following days,

Best regards Bernd
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Re: Radius around a point on the map

Post by Bernd Welter »

and a quick update: contains GeometryLayer, too...
GeometryLayer based circle (filled area)
GeometryLayer based circle (filled area)
C# sample with geometry layerr
(181.08 KiB) Downloaded 807 times
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Radius around a point on the map

Post by Bernd Welter »

And here is some more info straight from the product management:

PTV recommends to use client side rendering of such objects. This is because our core efforts are spent on logistics content and expertise such as
  • TruckAttributes
  • TrafficIncidents
  • Historical information for dynamic routing
  • ...
Dealing with circles, areas and so on is therefore in the scope of the client. And by the way:
Client side rendering enables you to avoid consecutive xMap requests for displaying/supress layers.

Best regards,
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Re: Radius around a point on the map

Post by AndreasJunghans »

Here's a complete AjaxMaps tutorial example:

Code: Select all

    <!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript" src="webcomponent/script/excanvas.js"></script><![endif]-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="webcomponent/script/qooxdoo/script/qx-transport.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=".qxrpc"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="webcomponent/script/map.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
      function init() {
        var container =
        var map =
          new com.ptvag.webcomponent.map.Map(container);
        window.onresize = function() {

        map.setCenter({x:4303250, y:5486500});

        var vectorLayer = map.getLayer("vector");

        // create circle
        var circle = new com.ptvag.webcomponent.map.vector.MeterCircle();
        circle.setMeterSize(10000);  // 10 km diameter
        // customize drawing (line instead of fill)
        CoordUtil = com.ptvag.webcomponent.map.CoordUtil;
        circle.draw = function(container, topLevelContainer, ctx,
                               mapLeft, mapTop, mapZoom) {
            var suPoint = {x:circle.getX(), y:circle.getY()};
            var pixCoords = CoordUtil.smartUnit2Pixel(suPoint, mapZoom);
            var realX = pixCoords.x - mapLeft + circle.getFlexX();
            var realY = mapTop - pixCoords.y + circle.getFlexY();
            var radius = circle.calculatePixelRadius(mapLeft, mapTop, mapZoom);
            ctx.strokeStyle = circle.getColor();
            ctx.lineWidth = 4;
            ctx.moveTo(realX + radius, realY);
            ctx.arc(realX, realY, radius, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
        // make circle visible


  <body onload="init()">
    <div id="mapContainer"

Andreas Junghans
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Radius around a point on the map / xServer.NET

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello again,

with xServer.NET you can use a ShapeLayer and a MapPolyline object. Computation of circle points coordinates is similar to the native approach.

Best regards Bernd
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Re: Radius around a point on the map

Post by Joost »

With the xServer .Net control you can take another approach and use the System.Windows.Shapes.Ellipse class instead of the MapPolyline. For a working example you can check the sample code on github: https://github.com/ptv-logistics/xservernet-bin and look at the Circles Use case.
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