we are facing problems with routings through Russia and Belarus using "calculateExtendedRoute". In the response document there are toll amounts which have no currency (value "NONE").
We are using xRoute v. The CountryInfoOptions have "detailedTollCosts" and "currencyDescription" set to "true" in order to get detailed toll data.
In the response document the field "currencyISOCode" (of countryInfos) has a valid currency (i.e. "RUB" or "BYN"), but the child node "tollCostInfos" always has currency = "NONE".
According to the documentation of PTV xServer Version 1.24 the CountryInfoOptions.currency is deprecated and replaced by currencyISOCode, but I could not find a note that the currency field of the tollCostInfos would be also deprecated.
Is there a way to get the currency field in the tollCostInfos filled? Or is it reliable to just take the currencyISOCode of the parent countryInfos?
best regards,
Sascha Kinder
routing request example:
Code: Select all
"waypoints": [
"coords": [
"point": {
"x": 43.4498,
"y": 56.2389
"linkType": "NEXT_SEGMENT"
"coords": [
"point": {
"x": 21.228,
"y": 55.66175
"linkType": "NEXT_SEGMENT"
"options": [],
"exceptionPaths": [],
"details": {
"binaryPathDesc": false,
"boundingRectanglesC": 5,
"boundingRectanglesOffset": 300,
"brunnelManoeuvres": false,
"detailLevel": "STANDARD",
"dynamicInfo": false,
"manoeuvreAttributes": false,
"manoeuvreGroupRatio": 1,
"manoeuvreGroups": true,
"manoeuvres": true,
"nodes": false,
"polygon": true,
"segmentAttributes": false,
"segments": true,
"texts": true,
"totalRectangle": false,
"urbanManoeuvres": false
"countryInfoOptions": {
"allEuro": false,
"detailedTollCosts": true,
"currencyDescription": true,
"reductionIDs": []
"callerContext": {
"properties": [
"key": "ResponseGeometry",
"value": "PLAIN"
"key": "CoordFormat",
"value": "OG_GEODECIMAL"
"key": "Profile",
"value": "truckfast"
Code: Select all
"countryInfos": [
"iuCode": 18,
"partRouteInfo": {
"distance": 408348,
"time": 26478,
"cost": 364417
"currency": "NONE",
"currencyName": "Weißrussischer Rubel",
"currencyISOCode": "BYN",
"countryCode": "",
"additionalInfo": "",
"tollCostInfos": [
"tollStationFrom": {
"tollStationName": "",
"tollStationID": -1,
"tollLocationType": "NORMAL",
"routeListIndex": -1
"tollStationTo": {
"tollStationName": "",
"tollStationID": -1,
"tollLocationType": "NORMAL",
"routeListIndex": -1
"tollSectionID": -1,
"tollProviderID": 0,
"tollDistance": 364417,
"tollPrice": 6595,
"tollType": "NATIONALTOLL",
"currency": "NONE"