Setting the background color of map.

Within this forum we want to offer discussions all around our .NET based Map control including all .Net-language specific questions concerning calls of the xServer-API. Attention: xServer-relevant concepts can be found in further forums such as xRoute or xTour.
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Setting the background color of map.

Post by webdirekt »

- We have specific polygon colored in the light blue color.( ColoredRegion.png )
- We have collection of points in database for that colored region.
- We want to color the whole region outside the colored polygon as gray.
Image of colored region polygon on map.
Image of colored region polygon on map.
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Oliver Heilig
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Re: Setting the background color of map.

Post by Oliver Heilig »

Hello webdirekt,

sorry for the late answer, but this is a tricky one. Of course you can set the opacity of the basemap layers to reduce the background, or you can draw a semi-opaque rectangle on-top of the basemap-layers.

But if you really want to highlight a distinct polygon against the background, you have to draw the "inverted polygon" in a different colour. This a bit complex, as you need to use topology operations, together with a custom canvas for the mapControl, as the standard MapPolygon of the Control cannot render this inverted polyon.

Here are the lines that show this practice. ... #L100-L117

You can download the code at the repository

Oliver Heilig
Chief Developer Logistic Services
PTV GROUP - Germany
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Setting the background color of map.

Post by Bernd Welter »

Proposal from my side:
How about describing the use case requirement so Oliver could give a technical approach? E.g. "we want to create a map where a user can recognize the reachable customers".
Your request is already focused on a specific technical approach...
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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