Currently we are redesigning our Professional Services in some of our international subsidaries.
For that we already implemented various channels of communication and knowhow transfer.
Here is just a quick list of potential features we can offer within our product Professional Services.
Feel free to mention further approaches - we are always welcome to improve ourselves.
- And we recommend to check your requirements first
- and to determine the optimal channel afterwards.
Let's start with those approaches that require direct 1:1 interaction between you and an expert:
- Phone / Email
- Websession based on Citrix Go2Meeting. We can share our dektop (presales) or access yours (if you like) to drill through the current issues
- Workshop at your address: one of our consultants will be happy to visit you at your offices to teach your team how to use the components. If we can't answer one of your questions on the fly we will take care of it and return to you with the answers
- Workshop at headquarter (incl. developers): sometimes it is necessary to include our backend experts, those ladies and gentlemen who implement the components you'd like to use - whether it is at the server level or even within the core component level
- Implementation of POC / Proove Of Concept
Workshop preparation form
Sometimes the topics on the radar are of a public interest level, quite generic.
For such topics we might offer community driven approaches such as
- Webinars (German and English, pure PTV or together with partners, held by product management, Sales or Technical consulting)
- Youtube: usually the webinars are recorded and we provide the videos on youtube afterwards. If you need more details about existing features we also might produce new videos on short term and and deliver at the samen day
- Forum: reborn in 2014 this public discussion platform grows continuously. With more than 300
logins (update 2019: about 450!), more than 1500 posts (Update 2019: more than 3000=WOW!) and 20 categories it is the perfect public channel for discussions about "how do I", "is it possible to", "look what we featured for you" - Developer Blogg: filled with live by our product managers you stay up2date with the latest developments. It is available here
By the way: we separate knowhow transfer from support:
- Knowhow transfer is a service which is not just part of a maintenance contract. It is the honour of our professional services team to provide the knowledge transfer via the channels described above. As soon as it is personal we may have to provide an individual offer.
- Our colleagues from the support team will handle issues dealing with server malfunction, instability, licensing. This is part of the maintenance.
- Both teams cooperate with each other and we redirect your requirements internally if needed. As both teams use the same ticketing mechanism we may provide the regular PTV2xxxxx file numbers to identify the cases.