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High Performance Routing with RoadEditor with xDimaServer

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:21 pm
by daxbin

I'd like to test high performance routing (HPR) with xDima with several profiles which have and have not
HPR (high performance routing) and RE (road editor)

Code: Select all

Profile  HPR  -RE
carslow   –    –
carfast   ×    –
sdp1      –    ×
fdp1      ×    ×
For some reasons the sdp1 and fdp1 profiles do not use Truck Attributes Feature Layer yet, but instead legacy Road Editor.

I've got the following results:

Code: Select all

xServer  Profile  HPR  -RE  Size-X  Size-Y  --Time
xDima    carslow   –    –     400     400   22,6 s
xDima    carfast   ×    –     400     400    1,4 s
xDima    sdp1      –    ×     400     400   69,9 s
xDima    fdp1      ×    ×     400     400   ------
For the fdp1 profile still when trying to create dima with:

Code: Select all

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    <createDima xmlns="">
      <DimaProfile_2 vehicleType="VTTRUCK" dimaCoordFormat="GEODECIMAL" maxLocationCount="2000" linkType="LTSEGMENT" routingType="RT1TON" optimization="90" />
        <ns3:wrappedProperties xmlns:ns3="">
          <ns3:CallerContextProperty key="Profile" value="fdp1" />
          <ns3:CallerContextProperty key="CoordFormat" value="PTV_GEODECIMAL" />
          <ns3:CallerContextProperty key="ResponseGeometry" value="PLAIN" />
the following exception is thrown:

Code: Select all

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <faultstring>Could not create Dima 101. Engine error: Internal routing engine error (code: -101)</faultstring>
        <ns0:XDimaException xmlns:ns0="">
          <ns4:stackElement xmlns:ns4="" message="Could not create Dima 101. Engine error: Internal routing engine error (code: -101)" errorKey="10003" className="com.ptvag.xserver.xdima.XDimaException">
            <ns4:cause xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true" />
            <ns4:wrappedContext xmlns:xsi="" xsi:nil="true" />
On xRoute instead I get:

Code: Select all

xServer  Profile  HPR  -RE  Size-X  Size-Y  --Time
xRoute   carslow   –    –     400     400   22,5 s
xRoute   carfast   ×    –     400     400    4,6 s
xRoute   sdp1      –    ×     400     400   59,9 s
xRoute   fdp1      ×    ×     400     400    4,6 s
Are there any known issues with legacy Road Editor on xDima?

Best regards, Birk

Re: High Performance Routing with RoadEditor with xDimaServe

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 10:46 am
by Bernd Welter
Is this still an issue? I'm not aware of an error in this combination...

So the profile fdp1 is the one using the search graph based on traditional TruckAttributes.BIN file?

Best regards Bernd

Confirming your right understanding

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:28 pm
by daxbin
Hello Bernd,

Is this still an issue? I'm not aware of an error in this combination...
there is still an issue with exact this combination.
So the profile fdp1 is the one using the search graph based on traditional TruckAttributes.BIN file?
Yes, the fdp1 profile uses the TruckAttributes.bin file in the re sub folder of the map like spd1 does. But fdp1 has a chData file which seems to can be handled by xRoute but not by xDima because the latter throws the above mentioned exception.

Best regards, Birk

Re: High Performance Routing with RoadEditor with xDimaServe

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:12 am
by Bernd Welter
Hello Birk,

please create a regular ticket via support. Probably you have to provide the BIN file, /CONF and logs.

Best regards