I'd like to test high performance routing (HPR) with xDima with several profiles which have and have not
HPR (high performance routing) and RE (road editor)
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Profile HPR -RE
carslow – –
carfast × –
sdp1 – ×
fdp1 × ×
I've got the following results:
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xServer Profile HPR -RE Size-X Size-Y --Time
xDima carslow – – 400 400 22,6 s
xDima carfast × – 400 400 1,4 s
xDima sdp1 – × 400 400 69,9 s
xDima fdp1 × × 400 400 ------
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<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<createDima xmlns="http://types.xdima.xserver.ptvag.com">
<DimaProfile_2 vehicleType="VTTRUCK" dimaCoordFormat="GEODECIMAL" maxLocationCount="2000" linkType="LTSEGMENT" routingType="RT1TON" optimization="90" />
<ns3:wrappedProperties xmlns:ns3="http://baseservices.service.jabba.ptvag.com">
<ns3:CallerContextProperty key="Profile" value="fdp1" />
<ns3:CallerContextProperty key="CoordFormat" value="PTV_GEODECIMAL" />
<ns3:CallerContextProperty key="ResponseGeometry" value="PLAIN" />
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<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<faultstring>Could not create Dima 101. Engine error: Internal routing engine error (code: -101)</faultstring>
<ns0:XDimaException xmlns:ns0="http://xdima.xserver.ptvag.com">
<ns4:stackElement xmlns:ns4="http://exception.core.jabba.ptvag.com" message="Could not create Dima 101. Engine error: Internal routing engine error (code: -101)" errorKey="10003" className="com.ptvag.xserver.xdima.XDimaException">
<ns4:cause xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true" />
<ns4:wrappedContext xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true" />
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xServer Profile HPR -RE Size-X Size-Y --Time
xRoute carslow – – 400 400 22,5 s
xRoute carfast × – 400 400 4,6 s
xRoute sdp1 – × 400 400 59,9 s
xRoute fdp1 × × 400 400 4,6 s
Best regards, Birk