Overview of available FeatureLayers

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Bernd Welter
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Overview of available FeatureLayers

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi there,

some years ago we invented a new container named FeatureLayer. This container is able to consider various datasources and this post gives you an overview of the concrete layers we already provide.
If you want to check the coverage of those layers I recommend to take a look at the xServer2 showcases (Static layers and Dynamic Layers).
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PTV_TruckAttributes contains various special properties of segments such as restrictions based on physical dimensions (weight, length/width, height) and load (hazardous to waters, combustibles, tunnel categories). The forerunner of PTV_TruckAttributes is the so-called RoadEditor layer also known as binary truck attributes.
PTV_TruckAttributes contains various special properties of segments such as restrictions based on physical dimensions (weight, length/width, height) and load (hazardous to waters, combustibles, tunnel categories). The forerunner of PTV_TruckAttributes is the so-called RoadEditor layer also known as binary truck attributes.
PTV_SpeedPatterns: this layer contains historical speed information and can be used to compute routes based on a given time of the day (in combination with a specific day of the week). Though the route geometry might vary over the day it is also an option to apply the time dependent behaviour on top of the static route. The approach based on SpeedPatterns is also called "dynamic" routing. The speed patterns give you the possibility to compute more accurate driving times and distances that the traditional approaches. But: Though customers want to include this flexibility within tour optimization this is not possible with the current optimization libraries. SpeedPatterns are available for regular cars (PTV_SpeedPatterns) but also for trucks (PTV_TruckSpeedPatterns).
PTV_SpeedPatterns: this layer contains historical speed information and can be used to compute routes based on a given time of the day (in combination with a specific day of the week). Though the route geometry might vary over the day it is also an option to apply the time dependent behaviour on top of the static route. The approach based on SpeedPatterns is also called "dynamic" routing. The speed patterns give you the possibility to compute more accurate driving times and distances that the traditional approaches. But: Though customers want to include this flexibility within tour optimization this is not possible with the current optimization libraries. SpeedPatterns are available for regular cars (PTV_SpeedPatterns) but also for trucks (PTV_TruckSpeedPatterns).
The PTV_TrafficIncidents layer contains live traffic data. The data is consumed and updated through the Content Update Service which connects to the PTV computing center in defined intervals. Besides the geometry of the incidents the layer provides textual information (traffic messages) and categories of the incidents (blocking, traffic jam, ...). Before the PTV_TrafficIncidents was available the customers used the Traffic Info Loader for the same purpose.
The PTV_TrafficIncidents layer contains live traffic data. The data is consumed and updated through the Content Update Service which connects to the PTV computing center in defined intervals. Besides the geometry of the incidents the layer provides textual information (traffic messages) and categories of the incidents (blocking, traffic jam, ...). Before the PTV_TrafficIncidents was available the customers used the Traffic Info Loader for the same purpose.
Restriction zones are areas within cities where entering and passing is forbidden without permission (e.g. due to delivery).
Restriction zones are areas within cities where entering and passing is forbidden without permission (e.g. due to delivery).
This Feature Layer contains a prioritized road network or rather routes for certain vehicle types like trucks with special loads or heavy vehicles. Preferred routes are crucial in USA and Australia but become more and more relevant in Europe. E.g. the inner city of Munich has to be detoured if not delivering directly.(ATTENTION: availabvility depends on map and provider!)
This Feature Layer contains a prioritized road network or rather routes for certain vehicle types like trucks with special loads or heavy vehicles. Preferred routes are crucial in USA and Australia but become more and more relevant in Europe. E.g. the inner city of Munich has to be detoured if not delivering directly.(ATTENTION: availabvility depends on map and provider!)
Discontinued: PTV_TruckWaitingTimes: <br />time dependent historical data of experienced waiting times at border crossings and toll booths.
Discontinued: PTV_TruckWaitingTimes:
time dependent historical data of experienced waiting times at border crossings and toll booths.
Feedback is also welcome,
Best regards
Several layers displayed at the same time.
Several layers displayed at the same time.
Last edited by Bernd Welter on Tue Jul 25, 2023 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: TruckWaitingTimes entfernt
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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Re: Meaning of FeatureLayers

Post by Bernd Welter »

By the way: here's a sample that compares PTV_SpeedPatterns with PTV_TruckSpeedPatterns
Left: PTV_SpeedPatterns<br />Right: PTV_TruckSPeedPatterns<br />Both snapshots are based on the same date and time but display different road conditions
Left: PTV_SpeedPatterns
Right: PTV_TruckSPeedPatterns
Both snapshots are based on the same date and time but display different road conditions
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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Bernd Welter
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Re: Overview of available FeatureLayers

Post by Bernd Welter »

Just found this thread which requires an update:

The PTV_TruckWaitingTimes are no longer available - they have been removed somewhere after 2021.1H.

Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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