Tooltip show always

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Tooltip show always

Post by kemmlit »

Hey guys,

I write a programm in VB.Net and am using the xServer Map. I wanted to ask, if there is any way to always show the marker tooltips.
And further if there is a mousclick on marker event or something like this. Where i can get to know if a marker is clicked and then show information depending on which marker it is.

Thank you very much.
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Tooltip show always

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Benedikt,

I recommend that you take a look at the xServer.NET extension. It enables you as a VB.NET developer to implement a mighty mapping interface with less efforts compared to implementing the wheel from scratch.

With the built-in markers such as PINs, DIAMONDs, CUBEs, BALLs, ... you can display POIs and parametrize properties such as size, color, tranparency and tooltip texts. Furthermore it supports the event handling.
Screenshot of a xServer.NET based application.<br />The control provides various gadgets such as <br />- zoom bar (right)<br />- coordinate bar (bottom center)<br />- magnifier (top right)<br />- navigation bar (top left)<br />- scale (bottom left)
Screenshot of a xServer.NET based application.
The control provides various gadgets such as
- zoom bar (right)
- coordinate bar (bottom center)
- magnifier (top right)
- navigation bar (top left)
- scale (bottom left)
If you want to work with the native interface of xMap you have to request the layers ObjectInfos. With activated object infos the response of the server contains a list of the displayed objects (together with their "real" and pixel coordinates) which enables you to create the tooltips but this is probably less efficient than using xServer.NET.

Another - quite common - approach is to use xMap as a geographic background layer provider and to paint icons on top of that layer. In this case you are responsible for the whole event handling.

Best regards from Karlsruhe,

Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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