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Draw route on the map

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:39 am
by VPlachy
When planning a route for transit point, which lies off the road does not draw on a map the route. In Map & Guide Internet is route draw Ok. Why is it like this? Any wrong setting?


Good on Map & Guide Internet

Thank you

Re: Draw route on the map

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:47 am
by Bernd Welter
Hello Vlad,

how about this approach:
  • This will extend the response and tell you the LOCATION coordinate and the so-called MATCH coordinate for each waypoint.
  • With this additional information you can paint the missing connection between input coordinates and the routing polygon.
The image shows the distance between LOCATION COORDINATE and MATCH COORDINATE. If necessary you can paint this airline connection.
The image shows the distance between LOCATION COORDINATE and MATCH COORDINATE. If necessary you can paint this airline connection.
Best regards Bernd

Re: Draw route on the map

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:19 am
by Bernd Welter
And here is a little example, the yellow cross is the input coordinate.
The red line is your goal.
Little proof: the blue line is the polygon returned by the server.<br />The red line is the overlay of POLYGON and LINKING DISTANCE. Looks fine in my eyes.
Little proof: the blue line is the polygon returned by the server.
The red line is the overlay of POLYGON and LINKING DISTANCE. Looks fine in my eyes.