Use VIA point FUZZY
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 1:40 pm
I have a problem with the calculation of the route using point type FUZZY. When I use this type of item I will return to me when calculating error "This service-method does not support vehicle- or routing-options".
I tried to set possible and impossible, but without result.
Please can you give me information about what is needed to have with this type of set point?
csharp code
Thank you.
I have a problem with the calculation of the route using point type FUZZY. When I use this type of item I will return to me when calculating error "This service-method does not support vehicle- or routing-options".
I tried to set possible and impossible, but without result.
Please can you give me information about what is needed to have with this type of set point?
csharp code
Code: Select all
ViaType vt = new ViaType( );
vt.viaType = ViaTypeEnum.FUZZY;
for (int x = 0; x < CalculationWayPointsList.Count; x++)
wayPoints[x] = new WaypointDesc();
if (CalculationWayPointsList[x].Type == "M")
wayPoints[x].linkType = LinkType.FUZZY_LINKING;
wayPoints[x].viaType = vt;
wayPoints[x].linkType = LinkType.AUTO_LINKING;
wayPoints[x].fuzzyRadius = 10000;
wayPoints[x].wrappedVehicleOptions = VehOption;
clickPoint = new PTVxServerInternet.XrouteService.PlainPoint { x = CalculationWayPointsList[x].Mercator_Longitude, y = CalculationWayPointsList[x].Mercator_Latitude };
wayPoints[x].wrappedCoords = new XrouteService.Point[] { new XrouteService.Point { point = clickPoint } };
ResultListOptions RsltListOptions = new ResultListOptions();
RsltListOptions.binaryPathDesc = true;
RsltListOptions.polygon = true;
RsltListOptions.dynamicInfo = true;
RsltListOptions.extSegments = true;
RsltListOptions.featureDescriptions = true;
RsltListOptions.nodes = true;
RsltListOptions.speedLimits = true;
RsltListOptions.segments = true;
RsltListOptions.texts = true;
RsltListOptions.detailLevel = DetailLevel.ALL;
RsltListOptions.polygonElevationsSpecified = true;
RsltListOptions.polygonElevations = true;
RsltListOptions.tollManoeuvres = true;
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(dtpStartTime.Value).AddHours(-1);
string sStartDate = String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dt) + "T" + String.Format("{0:HH:mm}", dt) + "01:00";
string sIS_DESTTIME = "true";
if (cbTypJizdyCas.SelectedIndex > 0)
sIS_DESTTIME = "false";
RoutingOption[] RoutOption = new RoutingOption[8];
RoutOption[0] = new RoutingOption();
RoutOption[0].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.ROUTE_LANGUAGE;
RoutOption[0].value = "CS";
RoutOption[1] = new RoutingOption();
RoutOption[1].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.COUNTRY_ENCODING;
RoutOption[1].value = "ISO2";
RoutOption[2] = new RoutingOption();
RoutOption[2].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.START_TIME;
RoutOption[2].value = sStartDate;
RoutOption[3] = new RoutingOption();
RoutOption[3].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.IS_DESTTIME;
RoutOption[3].value = sIS_DESTTIME;
RoutOption[4] = new RoutingOption();
RoutOption[4].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.OPTIMIZATION;
RoutOption[4].value = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Optimisation));
RoutOption[5] = new RoutingOption();
RoutOption[5].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.GENERATE_EXTWAYPOINTS;
RoutOption[5].value = "true";
RoutOption[6] = new RoutingOption();
RoutOption[6].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.ENABLE_DYNAMIC;
RoutOption[6].value = "true";
RoutOption[7] = new RoutingOption();
RoutOption[7].parameter = XrouteService.RoutingParameter.DYNAMIC_PROFILE;
RoutOption[7].value = "PTV_TruckAttributes";
string sXML = Properties.Settings.Default.CalculateProfile;
string sNewXML = String.Format(sXML,
Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Cylinder_Capacity * 1000.0)),
Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Unload_Weight * 1000.0)),
Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Total_Weight * 1000.0)),
Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Total_Weight * 1000.0)),
Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Unload_Trailer_Weight * 1000.0)),
Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Height * 100.0)),
Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Length * 100.0)),
Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(Selected_VehicleProfileList.Width * 100.0))
calculateRouteResponse response = xRoute.calculateRoute(new calculateRouteRequest
ArrayOfWaypointDesc_1 = wayPoints,
ArrayOfRoutingOption_2 = RoutOption,
ResultListOptions_4 = RsltListOptions,
CallerContext_5 = new PTVxServerInternet.XrouteService.CallerContext
wrappedProperties = new[]
new PTVxServerInternet.XrouteService.CallerContextProperty { key = "ProfileXMLSnippet", value = sNewXML }