supersized vehicles

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Bernd Welter
Site Admin
Posts: 2754
Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2014 10:28 am

supersized vehicles

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi there,

One of our partners asked me about the restrictions we have in our data that are sufficient for extra long vehicles / extra heavy transports / curvature radiuses. And I could imagine that someone who plans transports of special parts such as rotor blades of wind turbines is interested in such data, too.

Can anyone from the PTV data team comment on this?

At least I am experienced with an iterative process such as
  1. create a route
  2. use a regular car and drive along the route until you find an "issue"
  3. apply the issue as "custom data"
  4. return to step 1
Iterative Planning.png
Best regards,
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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