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residentsOnly flag

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 12:18 pm
by Bernd Welter
I was trying to calculate some routes along the Städtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe (area around a larger hospital) but do not understand the behaviour of the API (xRoute2) - this seems to be located in the bare routing level (no additional feature layers applied):

car profile - all segments on the reference track are "residentsOnly==false"
car profile - all segments on the reference track are "residentsOnly==false"
default profile: the blue route occurs if no additional "residentsOnlyMalus" is set. I managed to get the green (=desired) track by setting the rsidentyOnlyMalus to 0.
default profile: the blue route occurs if no additional "residentsOnlyMalus" is set. I managed to get the green (=desired) track by setting the rsidentyOnlyMalus to 0.
What I do not get:
Why are some of the segments seen as residentsOnly relevant based on the vehicle profile? Istn't the property independent from the used vehicle?
And the answer is: the assumption above is wrong. In fact there are two separate properties describing the residents handling:
image (18).png