How to become development partner of PTV Logistics

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Bernd Welter
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How to become development partner of PTV Logistics

Post by Bernd Welter »

HI there,

Almost every week I am getting asked questions such as
I’m getting in touch because we would love to be considered / qualified as a software development partner for PTV Logistics.
If so, how does the process work?
So let me comment on this: From PTV Logistics perspective a partner is a company that either develops
  • ... a project driven solution for an end customer who does not have sufficient development skills or resources in his own premise. In this case the end customer selects the integrator based on "proximity":
    • technological requirements, e.g. "customer wants a webapplication", "customer works with SAP"
    • skill/experience: some partners are familiar with domains such as field service planning, others are focussed on transport logistics
    • Last but not least the geographical position of the integrator is relevant.
  • ... or develops an own product which uses the PTV APIs in their backend and who therefore acts as a multiplier aka Value Adding Reseller (= VAR) - in this case the VAR is in charge of its own product management. PTV might assist in presales.
So if you are interested in becoming such a partner we can offer:
  • You can evaluate the API anytime through the public documentation
  • If you are interested in one of the two approaches just gather a login for PTV Developer trial. This will also trigger our sales to get in touch with you.
  • Usually the integrators and VARs are in very close and ongoing contact with some local sales and technical concultant.
Best regards,

PS: what we do NOT offer (and please consider this before you proceed): outsourcing of our own product development.
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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