Successor of: ExtraTollMalus

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Bernd Welter
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Successor of: ExtraTollMalus

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi there,

today an xRoute1 player asked me about the successor of xServer1.Routing.Course.BasicDataRules.Toll.extraTollMalus within the xRoute2 API.

Well, there's no successor but in times of Monetary based routing I'd expect this to ensure the best route performs a detour around a toll object if it is cheaper.

I'll forward this topic to DEV for a confirmation,

Route around the Warnow Tunnel in Germany. Green route: "oldschool route based on abstract costs". Blue: monetary based routing. As you can see from the charts the overall costs of the route with toll are exceeding the ones of the longer distance, longer traveltime but no toll route.
Route around the Warnow Tunnel in Germany. Green route: "oldschool route based on abstract costs". Blue: monetary based routing. As you can see from the charts the overall costs of the route with toll are exceeding the ones of the longer distance, longer traveltime but no toll route.
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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