Refill on the road
Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:02 am
I've been asked for the following requirement and whether / how to modell this in xTour2:
Here are the scenarios:
Scenario 3 was built on a small iteration:
Based on a central depot the orders in the planning area require two types of material:
- 10-20% of the orders require material which is available only at the blue depot
- 80-90% of the orders require material which is available at the blue and the gray locations
- The overall volume of orders exceeds the vehicle's capacity
- Time constraints apply such as maximum tour period or vehicle's operating intervals.
Scenario | Traveltime in hh:mm | Distance | Tours / trips |
#1 - from home | 10:05 | 605 km | 2 / 7 |
#2 - on road / from scratch | 08:48 | 527 km | 2 / 7 |
#3a - from nearest depot | 10:22 | 622 km | 2 / 7 |
#3b - with input plan "3a" | 08:42 | 522 km | 2 / 7 |
- Scenario 1 : no utilization of the gray locations
- Scenario 2 : refill on the road based on "from scratch" planning
- Scenario 3 : the gray locations are used for refilling "on the road"
- Comparison in terms of monetary costs:
Scenario 3 was built on a small iteration:
- I created an initial solution based on "each order has to be served by the closest depot" (scenario #2)
- Then I used the output plan as input plan for a planning with AlternativePickup and allowed each available location as refill location