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Best practices : gather toll as quick as possible

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 5:13 pm
by Bernd Welter

from time to time I get asked how to gather the toll prices for a relation A:B as quick as possible. Users try to apply which seem to be promising to them but from my perspective I recommend to take care of the following constraints:
  • Some countries apply toll based on the time of the day. To gather such contributions properly you need to apply a proper time dependency aka TimeConsiderationMode, e.g. SNAPSHOT or ExactTimeConsiderationAtStart or ExactTimeConsiderationAtArrival. :!: If you apply no such mode or Optimistic you may loose contributions.
  • If a time consideration mode is applied you can probably not benefit from HighPerformanceRouting but have to use RoutingType=CONVENTIONAL. ( :!: Though HPR supports Optimistic and Snapshot there are no such graphs available in the XSI cloud).
  • Do not forget to activate the proper feature layers such as PTV_TruckAttributes and PTV_TruckSpeedPatterns (or PTV_SpeedPatterns). Keep in mind that each additional feature layer has a negative impact on the performance. In my opinion the SpeedPatterns might not be helpful on long distance relations.
  • :idea: If you do not use HPR you might activate the GeographicRestriction with automatic search space bounds.
There's no such thing as a simple template request - it is always useful to rethink your specific story / approach depending on whether you need the price at "tender time" (exact start time not known) or "right before driving" (start time might be known).

Best regards,