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Visualization of Traffic-Flows

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:44 am
by Max Beermann
Hey everyone,

I hope you are fine.

Is it possible to visualize traffic flows?

I have 1.000 transport-orders.
Each transport-order hast 1 Loading-Station and 1 Unloading-Station.
For each Station, I have the geo-coordinates.

Is there an easy way to visualize it like in the following picture (s. Link)? ... aneiro.jpg

Thank you very much in advance
Max Beermann

Re: Visualization of Traffic-Flows

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:19 am
by Bernd Welter
Hello Max,

let's distinguish between different sources of "visual data":
  • geographic core data such as road network, town areas/labels, forests, ... such data is provided by the mapping engine, e.g. from PTV via tiled layers
  • geographic business data such as "your customers positions (x,y)", "pickup-delivery relations or routing geometries (polygons)" or a "subsidiaries area of responsibility (polyline)". This data is put on top of a map via stacked layer technologies
Now the way how to put the layers on top of each other depends on the mapping framework in use.
You can definetly paint such fancy data on top of a PTV map with frameworks such as leaflet. But the answer to your initial question is supposed to be found in the framework - not within PTV.

(Spatial) Frameworks we use / recommend: Does this answer your question? In your case you might have to get back to your integrator (Toralf ;-) )

Best regards,

PS: Here are some examples I found on our own pages (list will be extended). Maybe we should set up a gallery ;-)
And by the way: the tilted / rotated background maps are provided by the brand new PTV Vector Maps!

Re: Visualization of Traffic-Flows

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 1:39 pm
by Oliver Heilig
Hi Max,

technically you have three components for these visualizations: A vizualization libray, a map control and a basemap tile provider. You can use nearly any combination, e.g.

(deckgl/d3) - (maplibre/leaflet) - (VectorMaps/RasterMaps)

I adapted some samples from visualizing arcs and lines to PTV developer maps.

Here the stack is deckgl-maplibre-VectorMaps, but you could also use maplibre with raster maps and xMapServer as shown here

A prerequisite of all these solutions is a web browser. If you need to include this into a desktop application, you could use some WebView approach. Here is a sample using "Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)" in a WinForms application.

So this is the state-of-the-art technology. I hope I didn't confuse you too much.


Re: Visualization of Traffic-Flows

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:32 am
by Max Beermann
Good Morning Bernd & Oli,

thank you very much for your help!
This is just what I needed (and more).
So cool:)

Best regards