Geocoding via map

deals with geocoding and reverse geocoding in the context of PTV Geocoding&Places, PTV Geocoding&Places OSM and PTV xLocate 1 and 2
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Geocoding via map

Post by t.mateit »

Hi PTV team,

we have integrated xServer functionatlities in our product (routing, geo coding etc), we are currently using xServer1, not 2.

We want to enhance our product with the functionality to geocode an address via map (i think this is called reverse geocoding), we want to embed this map into a browser based application (D365FO).

I have the following questions:
1. Is this functionality available for xServer1 or only for xServer2?
2. Do you provide satellite view on your maps? If so, is this to be licensed separately? Background: The want to give the users the possibility to use also satellite view since sometimes it is easier to identify on satellite view which location should really be used.

Looking forward to hear from you.

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Bernd Welter
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Re: Geocoding via map

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Thomas,

the reverse geocoding functionality
- Input = (x,y)
- Output = List of addresses (+coordinates + score + quality...)

is available on both interfaces:
- xLocate1.findLocation
- xLocate 2.SearchByPositionRequest

What is important to understand is that the usecase experience (user clicks in a map and gets the address) requires two steps:
- gather the (x,y) through the map interface of your choice
- then request the method mentioned above from the API version of your choice

Satellite images - yes... get in touch with your Sales counterpart to check licensing questions. If you need more infos about the technical integration of HERE satellite images I recommend to use the post : ... ages#p3765

Best regards,
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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