Within this forum we want to offer discussions all around our .NET based Map control including all .Net-language specific questions concerning calls of the xServer-API. Attention: xServer-relevant concepts can be found in further forums such as xRoute or xTour.
Oli provides a new version 1.7.5 on his git hub - big thanks my friend!
Version 1.7.5
Repository: ptv-logistics/xserver.net · Tag: · Commit: 39cb3e0 · Released by: oliverheilig
• Fixed unhandled exception for empty tiles.
• Fixed initializing CoordinateReferenceSystem using just a WKT requires an ID to be set internally; Otherwise CoordinateTransformation using two such CoordinateReferenceSystem instances may end up in an identity transform.
This release has 3 assets:
• Binaries.zip
• Source code (zip)
• Source code (tar.gz)
Visit the release page to download them.
Bernd Welter Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany
Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning...