Stable Labeling in xMap 1.0

This forum covers all questions dealing with visualization of data within the native PTV xMap interface and the
PTV Developer Raster Maps API
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Stable Labeling in xMap 1.0

Post by impact »


Is it possible to implement Stable Labeling using xMap 1.0 and unify the label-layer and the background-layer into one tiles-layer that is cacheable?

We use OpenLayers to present PTV XMap maps to our customers. The OpenLayers configuration is similar to the demo configuration of the xMap Server (one background layer with 256x256 tiles, one big layer with labels):

An apache reverse caching proxy is placed in front of the xServer for performance reasons, which works fine for the background layer, but not for the labels (the dimensions of the big labels-image depends on the size of the client window as well as the position on the map). A solution, which would make the tiles cacheable would be appreciated.

Any ideas?
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Stable Labeling in xMap 1.0

Post by Bernd Welter »

OK, here is the response from DEV:
xMap 1.0 does not support stable labeling / cacheable label tiles in any form. Nor can this be achieved by any workaround. Wait for xS-2 instead.
so from my perspective there is a difference between the following topics
  • How to use a webframework such as OpenLayers, Leaflet, Ajaxmaps to work proper with tiled approaches: works fine with separated background and foreground layers. Codesamples are available in the CodeSampleBrowser
  • How to benefit from a browser or other cache dealing with the LABEL tiles: this doesn't work at the xMap 1. We have solutions for this topic in the upcoming releases (oct. 14th, 2016)
Sorry for this 50% answer - we are aware of the requirement an improve it!

Best regards Bernd
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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