Truck Road Problem

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Truck Road Problem

Post by datscher2099 »


We have the Problem, that some routes are doesn´t work correctly. So we changed the „<MalusByNetworkClass malus="-20"/>“ and now it works for the most routes.

But one route is false, because the route D-Neu-Ulm to I-Bolzano goes trough A-6600 Reute and the "Fernpass Bundesstraße". But this road is not allowed for trucks.

So when i Change the Malus from -20 to 0 then the route is correct. But i have Problems with other routes.

So i have tryed a Exception Path: <ExceptionPath absTimeMalus="0" binaryPathDesc="" extSegments="" relMalus="2501" street="Fernpass Bundesstra&#223;e"/>

And i have also tryed with "B179". But all ways are doens´t work. Have you a Idee what the Problem is?


Re: Truck Road Problem

Post by datscher2099 »

datscher2099 wrote:Hello!

We have the Problem, that some routes are doesn´t work correctly. So we changed the „<MalusByNetworkClass malus="-20"/>“ and now it works for the most routes.

But one route is false, because the route D-Neu-Ulm to I-Bolzano goes trough A-6600 Reute and the "Fernpass Bundesstraße". But this road is not allowed for trucks.

So when i Change the Malus from -20 to 0 then the route is correct. But i have Problems with other routes.

So i have tryed a Exception Path: <ExceptionPath absTimeMalus="0" binaryPathDesc="" extSegments="" relMalus="2501" street="Fernpass Bundesstra&#223;e"/>

And i have also tryed with "B179". But all ways are doens´t work. Have you a Idee what the Problem is?

Update: A employee from you has written a mail and now we change the config File like this:

<AdditionalRules maximumAirLineDistance="4294967295">
<ExceptionPath relMalus="2501" street="B179">
<wrappedNodes xmlns:xsi= xsi:nil="true"/>

But the same Problem again....

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Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:46 pm

Re: Truck Road Problem

Post by Joost »

This is a topic that is a bit to complex to easily explain in a forum post since it covers very specific settings in combination with specific parts of the map. I am seeing that you are in contact with our regular support, they should be able to help you with sorting out the details.
Joost Claessen
Senior Technical Consultant
PTV Benelux
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Truck Road Problem

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello together,

though we already had a phonecall some days ago I'd just like to add a few words here:
  • We provide various approaches of how to block / avoid segments in the routing process. While some of them are based on categories
    • network classes
    • toll roads
    • ferries...
    others are based on rough identities
    • ExceptionPath + streetnames
    • RoadEditor with selected segments and their properties
    • FeatureLayer with explicit data...
The usecase you describe sounds like you'd like to prevent the router from using specific area based objects: the first one you encountered is the "Fernpass Bundesstraße", your solution approaches this object and later you face another street or issue of the same category. So what I recommend is to identify the structure (or character) of the unwanted segments and to use one of the category based approaches.
Specifying explicit objects in your request is - quite often - increasing the complexity of the solution while the quality does not necessarily increase (if you miss a specific street segment).
Of course the approach may depend on the data quality (e.g. consumed by feature layer) but with proper data the generic approach covers the whole map universe with only a few lines of code (low complexity).

Best regards Bernd
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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