xServer 2.36 released

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Bernd Welter
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xServer 2.36 released

Post by Bernd Welter »

Here is a new xServer version:
Release of PTV xServer 2.36.0
The PTV xServer 2.36 is released! Main reason is the filtering of results without a street name introduced with PTV xServer 2.35 in reverse geocoding. Due to performance reason, now this must be switched on explicitly:
  • xLocate
    • Activating the filtering of result without a street name in reverse geocoding
  • xData
    • Preventing border crossings when creating a high-performance routing network (experimental)
  • xDima
    • Preventing border crossings when creating a distance matrix (experimental)
  • xRoute
    • Preventing border crossings when calculating a route (experimental)
Please note that there were no changes in the PTV Content Update Service and 2.35 is the current version.

The on-premise solution can be found here: Customer Area (login required)

The cloud solution PTV xServer internet will be updated according to this plan:
  • 25.03.25: Productive system hosted in Europe
  • 26.03.25: Productive system hosted in US
  • 27.03.25: Productive system hosted in Australia
sample of the impact of the new routing borderCost:<br />The value is set to borderCost=INFINITE in the routings. This causes them not to leave the domestic area. In the past this was achieved by individual geographic restrictions :allowedCountries. So the user was in charge to decide about the required countries. With this new parameter the process is simplified and you can also benefit from &quot;one HPR to rule alldomestic routes&quot; instead of maintaining multiple graphs.
sample of the impact of the new routing borderCost:
The value is set to borderCost=INFINITE in the routings. This causes them not to leave the domestic area. In the past this was achieved by individual geographic restrictions :allowedCountries. So the user was in charge to decide about the required countries. With this new parameter the process is simplified and you can also benefit from "one HPR to rule alldomestic routes" instead of maintaining multiple graphs.
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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