Here's also another aspect that might be relevant:
Is it true that map frontends / libraries such as LEAFLET or OPENLAYERS hide the display of "scales" at higher zoom levels because, in a single map rectangle, the scaling per pixel varies too much across different latitudes?
Yes, that’s essentially correct. The reason why scales at high zoom levels are often hidden in a map control is due to the projection these tools typically use, e.g. Mercator.
The Web Mercator projection has the following characteristics:
- Distortion increases with latitude: In this projection, areas near the poles are heavily distorted. While at the equator a pixel on the map corresponds relatively well to a physical distance, this correspondence becomes increasingly inaccurate with higher latitudes. This is because the projection attempts to map the spherical surface of the Earth onto a flat, rectangular map, which inevitably introduces distortions.
By the way: this also becomes relevant in the context of airline distance calculation: often the used formulas provide acceptable distances within closer ranges but once the used coordinates are located beyond specific latitudes the quality suffers from this effect and also from the earth's shape.
- Varying scale per pixel: At high zoom levels, the map focuses on smaller and smaller areas, but the distortion along the latitudes means that the scale per pixel on the map varies significantly depending on the latitude. This makes it difficult to provide a single scale that is accurate for the entire visible map window.
- Scale bar display: Scale bars (e.g., 1 cm = 100 m) are meaningful when they can represent a consistent physical distance across the entire map. However, in high zoom levels and particularly near the poles, this is no longer the case with the Web Mercator projection. This is why many frontends opt to hide the scale or show a simplified version that only applies to the map’s center point.

- Rect is height: 800 px, width = 1'000 px
Solutions or Workarounds:
- Local scale: Some applications show the scale only for the map's center point, as that’s where the distortion can be most accurately approximated.
- Alternative projections: For maps where scales at high zoom levels are critical, alternative projections with less distortion (e.g., UTM, Lambert) can be used.
- User notices: Tools like Leaflet or OpenLayers often offer options to customize how the scale is displayed or calculated based on specific user requirements.
In summary, scales are difficult to display consistently at high zoom levels, primarily because of the distortions inherent in the Web Mercator projection. This is the main reason why many frontends limit or adapt the display of scales.