Comparison PTV Geocoding & Places HERE versus OSM

deals with geocoding and reverse geocoding in the context of PTV Geocoding&Places, PTV Geocoding&Places OSM and PTV xLocate 1 and 2
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Bernd Welter
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Comparison PTV Geocoding & Places HERE versus OSM

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi there,

some parties recently compared the output structure of the two geocoder APIs we offer within PTV Developer:
From a generic perspective let's distinguish between
  • a postal address
  • a business object address (a company, administration ...)
Now here's what the engine's do return:
  • PTV Developer Geocoding & Places (Here)
    • Locations based on coordinates, structured address fields, formatted address and various quality fields
    • Places based on one mutual structure for all categories. Based on coordinates, address data, name, category IDs and quality
  • PTV Developer Geocoding & Places (OSM, based on NOMINATIM)
    • One shared structure for locations and places. Compareably sparse details when it comes to detail level and quality, no structured addresss fields at all
So the question came up why we do not offer the same structure in both data worlds, HERE and OSM.
The anser is simply because the underlying engines don't share the same concept of the data modell and also not the same data pool.
  • What is the purpose of a geocoder? - To give you a coordinate that is as close as possible to the context of the users story. For postal delivery preferably based on house number level - for international distance calculation less detailed levels such as street / district or city are sufficient. By the way: it is NOT the purpose of a geocoder to verify whether an address is valid (exists) or not.
  • How do users benefit from the output of the geocoder
    • Dialogue - in an interactive user context a single formatted address is usually sufficient for the user to pick his preferred result (and coordinate). The user's intelligence decides about validity of a result.
    • Batch - in this context all decisions about is there a result that a process can use for the next step have to be described on rules based on quality criteria such as score, detail level, ... within PTVs own engine we return as many details as possible. But with the Nominatim engine used within OSM we do not have that many details.
Long story short - we forwarded (July 2024) the requirement's to Product Management and will check whether we can improve this:
  • Need structured address output from OSM engine
  • Need quality criteria for each result for an automated check
Bernd Welter
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PTV Logistics - Germany

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Re: Comparison PTV Geocoding & Places HERE versus OSM

Post by bocajo »

The current OSM Geocoding API implementation can mainly be used for interactive geocoding by the user.

After a batch geocoding process, some addresses my remain that need to geocoded manually.

In such cases, OSM can be used as a second data source which can resolve some addresses that PTV Geocoder has not found.
Jochen Anderer
Manager Engineer
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