New toll tarrifs for Germany (dec2023 / july2024)

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Re: New toll tarrifs for Germany (dec2023 / july2024)

Post by clvo »

Hi Bernd,
thanks for all the information!
One question from my side - as I understand, in the future, there has to be used a different weight for calculating the toll (sorry, I only found it in german):
Mit der Einführung der CO2-Emissionsklassen ändert sich die Grundlage für die Zuordnung zu einer Gewichtsklasse.
Bisher: Es wird das maximal zulässige Gesamtgewicht herangezogen.
Siehe Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I Ziffer F2.
Neu ab 1.12.2023: Die technisch zulässige Gesamtmasse der Zugmaschine und gegebenenfalls des Anhängers.
Siehe Zulassungsbescheinigung Teil I Ziffer F1.
Is there a new propery for this kind of weight or how can I make the correct calculation in PTV?
Thanks in advance!
BR Claus
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Re: New toll tarrifs for Germany (dec2023 / july2024)

Post by Bernd Welter »

Here's what I receved from PM (Stephan, translated by me):
Currently we consider just one value for the weight and that is the technical legal total weight. There's a backlog item but it's not been prioritized so far. Therefore you'd either experience an inaccurate routing or an inaccurate toll calculation - depending on which weight you assign to the current parameter.
So stay tuned - it stays suspenseful! :lol:
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Re: New toll tarrifs for Germany (dec2023 / july2024)

Post by Bernd Welter »

One more statement about this whole topic:

From the statements above you can see that we prepared the forecasts only for the HERE provider map:
  • We didn't prepare these forecasts for TOMTOM and we won't do this.
  • Once the tarrifs are finalized by the German Bundestag we will produce the regular toll updates for both providers, TOMTOM and HERE.
  • Update 25.10.2023: afaik the government has approved this and now after a grace period of 2 weeks the data team will create new data files for TT and HERE.
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Re: New toll tarrifs for Germany (dec2023 / july2024)

Post by clvo »

Hello Bernd,
if I understand it correct, the change of the parameter "co2EmissionClassEU" should result in different amount of toll - correct?
But if I change it in the following request from i.e. "1" to "3" the toll-amount does not change. But if I change the emissionStandardEU the value changes. Additonally the TollOnlyTimeConsideration has no effect either. (changed i.e. from 2022 to 2024)
Am I missunderstanding something?
Thanks in advance!
BR Claus

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <request xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns3="" xsi:type="ns3:RouteRequest" scope="globalscope" storedProfile="truck11_99t" coordinateFormat="EPSG:4326">
          <vehicleProfile electronicTollCollectionSubscriptions="NONE">
            <engine engineType="COMBUSTION" fuelType="GASOLINE" fuelConsumption="10.0" emissionStandardEU="EURO_6" co2EmissionClassEU="1"/>
            <weight totalPermittedWeight="20000" />
            <axle numberOfAxles="5" />
              <toll tollPenalty="0"/>
        <waypoints xsi:type="ns3:OffRoadWaypoint">
          <location sideOfStreetRestriction="ANY_SIDE">
            <offRoadCoordinate x="8.88653" y="53.034517"/>
        <waypoints xsi:type="ns3:OffRoadWaypoint">
          <location sideOfStreetRestriction="ANY_SIDE">
            <offRoadCoordinate x="13.690029" y="51.074713"/>
			<timeConsideration xmlns:ns4="" xsi:type="ns4:TollOnlyTimeConsideration" referenceTime="2024-06-29T09:15:21.000"/>
          <polylineOptions elevations="false"/>
          <tollOptions useDetailedToll="true" returnZeroCosts="false"/>
        <resultFields waypoints="false" nodes="false" polyline="false" emissions="false" report="false" tourReport="false" encodedPath="false" guidedNavigationRoute="false" monetaryCostsReport="false" alternativeRoutes="false" providerIds="false">
          <legs enabled="false" polyline="false" tollSummary="false" emissions="false" providerIds="false"/>
          <segments enabled="false" emissions="false" polyline="false" descriptors="false" roadAttributes="false" id="false" providerId="false"/>
          <toll enabled="true" sections="false" systems="false"/>
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Re: New toll tarrifs for Germany (dec2023 / july2024)

Post by Bernd Welter »

Here's a sample computed on XServer2 Internet PROD:
in groups of 5 &quot;CO2Emission classes&quot; I iterated over the different EU Emission classes (NONE, EURO_0, EURO_1, ...)
in groups of 5 "CO2Emission classes" I iterated over the different EU Emission classes (NONE, EURO_0, EURO_1, ...)
WIthin a given com.ptvgroup.xserver.vehicleprofile.EmissionStandardEU the toll is equal.

Looks "strange"...

Which environment did you use?
Bernd Welter
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Re: New toll tarrifs for Germany (dec2023 / july2024)

Post by Bernd Welter »

here's how it should look like... (retrieved on my local map)
here's how it should look like... (retrieved on my local map)
We are investigating the issue's cause
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Re: New toll tarrifs for Germany (dec2023 / july2024)

Post by Bernd Welter »

Meanwhile we performed a rollback to the 2023.2H map on the european cluster (XServer2-EU) and the scenario's are ok now:
calculated on
calculated on
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Re: New toll tarrifs for Germany (dec2023 / july2024)

Post by AlexanderL »

I calculated some routes in december with xServer Internet and the toll results look good so far.
But.. Is there any update planned before december?
The "co2EmissionClassEU" field is currently experimental.
I would like to avoid connecting the experimental API to a production system.
Screenshot 2023-10-25 154306.png
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Re: New toll tarrifs for Germany (dec2023 / july2024)

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Alexander,

here's some feedback from Stephan = Product Manager:
We do not plan to change the API but at this stage we can't guarantee as we depend on TollCollect.
The law has been signed this week by the German authorities.
If they decide to change anything at the beginning of November we will have to update the data again.
But with a 95% probability the API is stable...
Bernd Welter
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Re: New toll tarrifs for Germany (dec2023 / july2024)

Post by Bernd Welter »

Here's a quick status update:
  • Our data department is preparing the new toll scenarios for German Detailed toll. If everything works according to the plan then the new scenario files for the 2024.1H map will be available on Nov. 27.
  • But please consider the process: the underlying data has to find it's way into the Layer Delivery Server (LDS) and from there via CUS (Content Update Service) into the xServer / PTV Developer.
  • Right now (14.11.2023 / 15:28) the xServer internet 2 hosts:
So this means: we try to be as quick as possible... but we can't guarantee the road map.

And :
  • The CO2Emission Class property is still "experimental in v2.30"
  • We also work on "stabilizing the parameter": best case it will be "released in v2.31 (available not before end of Nov 2023) - if not: you would need to wait at least till 2024.
Bernd Welter
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