Some clustering solver times

Deals with clustering based on locations but also on time regularity.
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Bernd Welter
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Some clustering solver times

Post by Bernd Welter »


as you know I am often evaluating the performance of our components with bigger planning scenarios.
I've been asked for some
we want to cluster >100'000 locations in more than 100 clusters - how much time does this take?
:!: I made some samples and what I learned from this is that the underlying default settings for then com.ptvgroup.xserver.clusterplanningprofile.ClusterPlanningProfile.SolverTimeLimit is set to an insufficient 300secs = 5minutes. After increasing the value to 900secs=15min the responses looked way better...
:idea: So for those who want to apply larger scenarios we recommend to look into the SolverTimeLimit to ensure the algorithm has enough time to play.

Furthermore my colleague Nitin from the cluster DEV team provided some more benchmark results
Solver times (GRB) look roughly like this:
< 20k locations/customers
< 10 clusters: max. 5 minutes
< 20 clusters: max. 8 minutes
< 30 clusters: max. 12 minutes
>= 30 clusters: anything between 5 to 30 minutes
< 50k locations/customers
< 10 clusters: max. 10 minutes
< 20 clusters: max. 15 minutes
< 30 clusters: max. 25 minutes
>= 30 clusters: anything between 5 to 45 minutes
< 100k locations/customers
< 10 clusters: max. 15 minutes
< 20 clusters: max. 20 minutes
< 30 clusters: max. 30 minutes
>= 30 clusters: anything between 5 to 60 minutes
poor result due to insufficient solver timeout timeout
poor result due to insufficient solver timeout timeout
improved result after timeout set to 15minues
improved result after timeout set to 15minues
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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