We tried to include the TUNNEL_RESTRICTION=E as parameter in our request. It seems that the Tunnel Code restriction parameter has not any impact in our case but it should have.
Maybe we need to include some additional parameters that are related with this one or we have to change something in our request.
Also the TruckAttributes layer is enabled.
We tried to execute this request directly in the Raw request runner on PTV server and the results are same.
The issue is related with the xServer1. The xServer2 works correctly with the same information.
Best Regards
xRoute - xServer1 - tunnel codes restriction issue
Re: xRoute - xServer1 - tunnel codes restriction issue
The tunnel restriction code in the waypoint[0].routingoptions does not using the letters enumeration, instead you need to provide the underlying number. See UC_How-to-use-truck-attributes.htm for the translation table (paragraph: Routing with Tunnel Restriction Codes).
So in your request you need to replace:
<ns3:RoutingOption value="TUNNEL_RESTRICTION=101" parameter="ROADEDITOR_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS"/>
So in your request you need to replace:
<ns3:RoutingOption value="TUNNEL_RESTRICTION=101" parameter="ROADEDITOR_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS"/>
Joost Claessen
Senior Technical Consultant
PTV Benelux
Senior Technical Consultant
PTV Benelux