here's a little "usecase" story that just appeared on my desk. Maybe it helps you to understand some principles behind the xMatch2, xRoute2 and the Navigation:
And here's what I recommend (Thanks to Sebastian for the story):We recorded the GPS positions of a route that has been driven in the past. Now we want to push the navigator to guide the driver for a future tour on this old geometry. How to proceed?
Imagine you have the GPS positions of a previous tour, maybe several thousand (x,y):
- Use xMatch2.matchTrack to reconstruct the path based on th many thousand (x,y). This will return one or more MatchedPath objects including encoded paths.
- Now forward the encoded path(s) to xRoute.calculateRoute and use PathWaypoint class. Set the ResultFields.GuidedNavigationRoute to request the BCR string as part of xRoute's output
- Use that BCR file to push it to the Navigator for a proper guided navigation.
Do NOT try to create a BCR file based on the thousands of GPS positions manually. This will not work properply.