maybe a simple question but: how to set the target URL of our JavaScript clients properly?
Usecase: as a Developer I want to develop a client application against a test environment and then within the deployment I want to change the endpoint address. But how to assign this properly?
PS: here are some incomplete examples - the missing link is probably just a single statement. But which one?
- The following code is taken from our documentation and tells me how to set the credentials.
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var xroute = new XRouteClient(""); xroute.setCredentials('xtok', '<your xserver-internet token>');
- In the integration samples the code looks like this - it is based on "the client class already knows the endpoint address":
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var A = { "$type": "OffRoadWaypoint", "location": { "offRoadCoordinate": { "x": 6.1256572, "y": 49.5983745 } } }; var B = { "$type": "OnRoadWaypoint", "location": { "coordinate": { "x": 6.1256572, "y": 49.4816576 } } }; xroute.calculateRoute({ "waypoints": [A, B] }, routingCompleted); function routingCompleted(route, exception) { print(route.distance + 'm in ' + route.travelTime + 's'); }