(bernd: XSERS-1681)
we recently upgraded xServices (xRoute, xLocate, xMap) from 1.24.0 to 1.28.1 and since our PTV logs are full of the following warnings:
Code: Select all
2020-02-04 09:47:37,025;WARN;com.ptvag.xserver.module.xroute.m0014;163eb888-75e7-4f91-a83c-c56d1fd59dd6;default;;;The theme PTV_TruckSpeedPatterns is not licensed.
2020-02-04 09:46:42,561;WARN;com.ptvag.xserver.module.xroute.m0014;1e291a0e-369b-4729-ae18-7bf2db01680f;default;;;The theme PTV_SpeedPatterns is not licensed.
Is there any configuration option, to mute these warnings which appear with every single routing request?
Now it's very hard to notice any real warnings.
Thank you for your help!