Usecase: Map&Guide ROAD EDITOR

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Bernd Welter
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Usecase: Map&Guide ROAD EDITOR

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello together,

these days several players asked us about the meaning of RoadEditor / how to deal with road blockings that are not part of the standard maps and the standard truck attributes (e.g. maximum weight for bridges or maximum height for tunnels).

This is why Lars and I decided to create a little thread dealing with the basics of the MAP&GUIDE RoadEditor.
Visual interface of the MAP&GUIDE RoadEditor. Enables the user to select segments and to change their attributes. The results are then stored in a database (either Access or SQL server)
Visual interface of the MAP&GUIDE RoadEditor. Enables the user to select segments and to change their attributes. The results are then stored in a database (either Access or SQL server)
Here we go:
  • MAP&GUIDE usecase which enables users to edit attributes of existing streets within an Access or SQL Server database
    • closed for cars/trucks (boolean based)
    • closed for specific values (e.g. exceeding 10t total weight, 3.5m height)
    • incl. time dependencies
  • No insertion or deletion of missing streets possible
  • Only available OnPremise
  • Data conditions are related to underlying map
  • In case of a map update the database is also migrated within Map&Guide
  • Segments which couldn't be matched by the update have to be manipulated manually
  • xServer connection to data
    • approach #1: direct connection of xRoute to RE database
      • supports time dependencies
      • does not support map visualization
      • restricted to xRoute win32
    • approach #2: export of RE database into binary file
      • does not support time dependencies
      • content of binary file could be displayed as TruckAttributes layer
      • possible with xRoute 32/64 // win/lin
Further details are available in this document:
Document with several important hints dealing with MAP&GUIDE RoadEditor and xServers
(2.57 MiB) Downloaded 550 times
Let us know whether you need more info about this specific usecase.
RoadEditor is an approved technology used for more than 5 years now.
And we are already evaluating how to proceed with this usecase in the future.

Best regards Lars & Bernd
Bernd Welter
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PTV Logistics - Germany

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Re: Usecase: Map&Guide ROAD EDITOR

Post by quintiqus »

Among other things we would like to have the following:

Custom road blocks are in the RE database and are taken into account with the existing TruckAttributes layer.

Currently our customers have to go through these manual steps in order to both use custom road blocks and the TruckAttributes layer:
  1. Export the custom road blocks and enable merge with TruckAttributes layer.
  2. Copy binary files into re folder on xRoute server.
  3. Restart xRoute service.
The problem with this is that's it's not real time and not very user friendly. We liked the database option, but we also like the TruckAttributes layer.

I did not experience the RE database to not work with 64 bit xRoute by the way.
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Usecase: Map&Guide ROAD EDITOR

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi there,

I know what you mean. Unfortunately you would have to merge the sources in the export dialog (see below) and then choose the BIN file that matches your requirements (only the "custom attributes" or "custom+standard"...)
selection mask of the layers to merge during export into BIN file
selection mask of the layers to merge during export into BIN file
Best regards,


PS: one more reason why I would like to have all these things being handeled via FeatureLayer technology!
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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