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Shape file web application

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:21 pm
by Clement.Sorriaux

one of our customer contacted me about his need to display shape file.

I sent him the topic made by Kasper D (thanks btw) and the application.
he just contacted me today with more questions :
You sent us a c# project but we want to display shape file in a web application.

How can we handle huge shape file ? can we only load a part of it ?

I don't know if there's enough information to provide an answer, don't hesitate to ask for more information if you need.

thanks in advance
have a good day

Re: Shape file web application

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:55 pm
by Oliver Heilig
Hello Clément,

shape files are not a very web-friendly format. There are different approaches, depending on the size and required interoperability: