timeouts xServer 1
Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:29 am
Hi there,
as you hopefully know we have several categories of timeouts that may occur within the scope of xServers. This post is just a little summary of the different values and conditions within xServer 1. Be aware that this does not replace the official documentation of server and modules but it is intended to give a better understanding of when a timeout occurs.
Be aware that there's a difference in these topics dealing with synchronous or asynchronous protocols.
Here are some related error messages:
as you hopefully know we have several categories of timeouts that may occur within the scope of xServers. This post is just a little summary of the different values and conditions within xServer 1. Be aware that this does not replace the official documentation of server and modules but it is intended to give a better understanding of when a timeout occurs.
Be aware that there's a difference in these topics dealing with synchronous or asynchronous protocols.
source | default (ms) | comment |
<service>.properties: requestQueueTimeout | 60000 | The maximum time in ms a request may remain in the request queue before there is a module available to process the request. (-1 disables the timeout). |
<service>.properties: moduleTimeout | (varies per server) | Maximum time allowed for a single engine request in ms. -1 means no timeout. |
<service>.properties: jobQueueTimeout | -1 | The maximum time in ms a single asynchronous job may remain in the request queue before there is a module available to process the job. (-1 disables the timeout) |
<service>.properties: jobModuleTimeout | -1 | Maximum time allowed for a single asynchronous job in ms. -1 means no timeout. |
client timeout | Who knows This is out ouf PTVs scope | Some client components such as C#.NET web clients have a built in timeout, e.g. HttpWebRequest class has 100secs. If the component does not consume a response from the server within this timeout it throws an exception. |
xServer Internet | 225000 | All active requests to xServer Internet will canceled after 225 seconds. If you plan to send long running requests, we recommend using the xServer job mechanism. |
xserver.properties: jobResultRetentionTime | 604800000 | Time to live for unfetched persistent job results before the system may delete entries from the persistent store. Values are given in ms. Default is one week. |
xserver.properties: fetchedJobResultRetentionTime | 300000 | Time to live for fetched persistent job results before the system may delete entries from the persistent store. Values are given in ms. Default is 5 minutes. |
xserver.properties: zombieJobRetentionTime | 86400000 | Time to live for zombies of jobs before the system may delete entries from the persistent store. Values are given in ms. Default is one day. |
- Queueing error : com.ptvag.jabba.core.exception.SystemException
2018-06-01 13:11:39,564;INFO;com.ptvgroup.xserver.framework.XServer1Dispatcher;Request timed out. Queued: 1527851498238, queuedExpired: 1527851499557, now: 1527851499564.
2018-06-01 13:11:39,652;INFO;RequestTimes;bb325e0c-f491-4642-baba-79e832c318c1;;unknown-http;50090;unknown-cluster;;false;-;-;-;none;-;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1958;null;;;;;;;-;-;-Code: Select all
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <soap:Fault> <faultcode>soap:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Request has timed out</faultstring> <detail> <ns6:SystemException xmlns:ns6="http://exception.core.jabba.ptvag.com" xmlns:ns4="http://xtour.xserver.ptvag.com" xmlns:ns3="http://types.xtour.xserver.ptvag.com" xmlns:ns2="http://baseservices.service.jabba.ptvag.com" xmlns:ns1="http://common.xserver.ptvag.com" xmlns:ns0="http://wrappertypes.service.jabba.ptvag.com"> <ns6:stackElement className="com.ptvag.jabba.core.exception.SystemException" message="Request has timed out"> <ns6:cause xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"/> <ns6:wrappedContext xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"/> </ns6:stackElement> </ns6:SystemException> </detail> </soap:Fault> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
- Module Timeout: com.ptvag.xserver.common.XServiceException
2018-06-01 13:13:56,529;INFO;RequestTimes;9381bca6-f4f1-4da9-9e2b-0fa9eebec9c1;;unknown-http;50090;unknown-cluster;XTour.planBasicTours;false;;;;default;m0001;411;0;4;2768;1;74;4157;4643;NO-TXN;iuCodes:33;;;;;;com.ptvag.xserver.common.XServiceException;null;Request has timed out!Code: Select all
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <soap:Fault> <faultcode>soap:Server</faultcode> <faultstring>Request has timed out!</faultstring> <detail> <ns1:XServiceException xmlns:ns6="http://exception.core.jabba.ptvag.com" xmlns:ns4="http://xtour.xserver.ptvag.com" xmlns:ns3="http://types.xtour.xserver.ptvag.com" xmlns:ns2="http://baseservices.service.jabba.ptvag.com" xmlns:ns1="http://common.xserver.ptvag.com" xmlns:ns0="http://wrappertypes.service.jabba.ptvag.com"> <ns6:stackElement className="com.ptvag.xserver.common.XServiceException" message="Request has timed out!"> <ns6:cause xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"/> <ns6:wrappedContext xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true"/> </ns6:stackElement> </ns1:XServiceException> </detail> </soap:Fault> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>