Hamburg prepares ban of diesel on certain roads

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Bernd Welter
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Hamburg prepares ban of diesel on certain roads

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi there,

as you might have noticed in latest press articles the city of Hamburg starts to deal with the ban of diesel based transport in the inner city. Some major roads are subject to be blocked for diesel in the future: ... 37185.html ... te114.html

The road names mentioned in the article are the
  • Max-Brauer-Allee (580 meters, block applies for diesel trucks and cars)
  • Stresemannstraße (1'700 meters, block applies for older cars)
Here is a sample scenario / comparison:
Section of the Max-Brauer-Allee in Hamburg. <br />Left image shows the track driven by a truck without considering the ban. The distance is 2050 meters, the carbondioxide output is about 1,725 (based on HBEFA 3.1, total track length, standard truck)<br />The track on the right side performs a detour (ExceptionPath based on streetname) which produces 2,763 carbondioxyde (plus 60%) over a track length of 4470m (distance plus 120%).
Section of the Max-Brauer-Allee in Hamburg.
Left image shows the track driven by a truck without considering the ban. The distance is 2050 meters, the carbondioxide output is about 1,725 (based on HBEFA 3.1, total track length, standard truck)
The track on the right side performs a detour (ExceptionPath based on streetname) which produces 2,763 carbondioxyde (plus 60%) over a track length of 4470m (distance plus 120%).
What PTV can provide in this context is
  • consideration of blockings (or at least minor detours) via streetname or segment ID
  • computation of emission basaed on various standards (HBEFA 2.1/3.1/3.2...) on total track or segment wise
Best regards,
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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