Calc smartest route

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Calc smartest route

Post by huellif »


I am quite new to PTV-xServer and neither the samples or documentation could help me, so I am asking here.

Our problem is, that we have to calculate the "smartest" route: The start and target points are fix (both are the same actually), the other waypoints should be in the fastest order.
I have to work with the Java classes of PTV and need a function which calculates the best order.

My current conclusion:
- XTour is a bit too much for this, we have no detailed tour data, just the waypoints.

- XDima calculates a big a matrix, but we don't need all this information.

- XRoute has calculateExtendedRoute, calculateRoute, polygons, toll etc. and it's working fine, but we need the best order of the waypoints which is no feature of those functions.
There is a calculateTour function, but it doesn't calculate the smartest order, does it? Sadly it doesn't work for me: "conflict tour calculation - both start and destination waypoints need to be tour points" Currently I use it exactly like calculateExtendedRoute/calculateRoute, but I can't find a proper documentation or example and I am not even sure if it is able to calculate the best order.

Can you give me a hint what to do?

Thanks in advance! :)

Best Regards,
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Bernd Welter
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Re: Calc smartest route

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Fabian,

sounds like the following functional constraints are relevant for you:
  • A single vehicle should be optimized
  • Start and destination are fixed
  • Various other waypoints shall be added between start and destination
  • The desired output is the proper sequence of the stops
Well, the interface you need for that usecase is xTour with it's method planBasicTours. Though this method is designed to solve large optimization tasks (various trucks at the time) it is also the proper tool to solve the sequencing task you face.

I recommend to get in touch 1:1 with your local technical consultant to discuss your usecase in detail. (Probably me or Lars).

Best regards,
Bernd Welter
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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