How to display/cover a map area by geo locations

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How to display/cover a map area by geo locations

Post by Prakash »


I am using Ajax Map and need to show all given geo locations covered in an area as below:
Expected map view, it should cover area within given region/country
Expected map view, it should cover area within given region/country
For now we are using Polygons to cover area/region but can't achieve/meet my expected result. Covered area is crossing border of other countries, you could see it in below image:
Covered area are intersecting other countries
Covered area are intersecting other countries
I have few cases/issues:
1) It should work with large set of data/geo locations.
2) Any other ways to achieve above requirement.

Please let me suggest, how can I get my expected outcome.

King regards,
Prakash Kumar
Webdirekt India Pvt. Ltd.
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Bernd Welter
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Re: How to display/cover a map area by geo locations

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hello Prakash,

I moved your topic to the PTV Webclients forum as it deals with a specific framework and requires a dedicated response.

Furthermore I'll forward the thread to the developer of the AJAXMAPS and ask him to provide a sample. From what I read in your statement you need a sample that demonstrates the selection of objects in a map, right?

Best regards,
Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

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Oliver Heilig
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Re: How to display/cover a map area by geo locations

Post by Oliver Heilig »

Hi Prarakash,

think this isn't a possible with the ajax control out-of-the-box. It seems you need some GIS methods for your task, i.e. intersect your polygon (which is a convex hull?) with the polygon of the country border. This means you also need those country borders as polygons plus a geometric library (for example the geo-functions of D3

Another solution for your problem could be the use of voronio-regions with d3-voronoi, see

Oliver Heilig
Chief Developer Logistic Services
PTV GROUP - Germany
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