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Philosophy xCluster 1...

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 4:29 pm
by Bernd Welter
Hi there,

today a customer approached me with a question dealing with a challenge we can't resolve within planMutiWeeks. I just want to let you know something about the xCluster 1 philosophy which is subject to be improved in xCluster 2. Here's the rough scenario:
  • 1. planMultiWeeks with a scope of 8 weeks
  • 2. the resource isn't available in week 8 (week weights for week 8 is [...},{0,0,0,0,0,0,0})
  • 3. specific MultiWeeksOrder with rhythm = 8, visitsPerWeek = 1
  • 4. firstWeek == lastWeek == 8
So obviously there is no proper assignment possible for that MultiWeeksOrder as week 8 is the only option (criteria 4) but forbidden (criteria 2).

Now the result of the customers call assigns the MultiWeeksOrder to week 8 which is a violation of the constraints.

What I learned today is:
We return a result even if it is violating the constraint.

So if we compare this approach to xTour (orders remain unscheduled) this is therefore different.
Keep this in mind!

Best regards,