True facts about : TOLL UPDATES
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:36 pm
Hi together,
in the recent weeks I received conspicious numbers of questions about toll... sounds like we should provide some details to get rid of misunderstandings:
Best regards Bernd
in the recent weeks I received conspicious numbers of questions about toll... sounds like we should provide some details to get rid of misunderstandings:
- Manual toll updates for xServers contain data of the latest and any prior set. So by performing Update #N you have access to the content of #(N-1), #(N-2),...,#(0). This info refers to xServers - MAP&GUIDE Desktop treats updates in a different way.
- Ommiting a specific update #(N) is at your own risk: if the list of countries affected by this update doesn't contain the countries you are dealing with you might not face stress. But if you want to be safe we recommend that you apply each update right after the announcement. Otherwise it's like a blind flight. Please use our developer blog to be informed (news published by product management)
- Most updates reflect new official law conditions - once new laws have been published (even on long term perspective) we generate the required tarifs in our data sets and provide the update (we did this with the belgian toll, too).
- Besides manual toll updates provided at the developer zone's customer area (manual download) we also offer a plugin called CONTENT UPDATE SERVICE. After proper configuration this plugin retrieves toll updates (and live traffic info) from our so-called LAYER DELIVERY SERVER (LDS). Please check whether this plugin is a valid approach for you to ensure valid data.
Best regards Bernd