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How to get all toll prices in Czech Crowns?

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:55 am
by Bernd Welter
Hello together,

today a customer asked me how to parametrize a routing request to get all mentioned toll prices in Czech Crowns.

The answer is simple but negative: there is no direct parametrizing that returns all costs in this non-Euro currency. xRoute is able to return one of the following styles depending on the parameter CountryInfoOptions.allEuro (or the derived version CountryInfoVehicleOptions)
  • .allEuro==true: Every toll price is returned in EURO, even in Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Danmark, Sweden, ...
  • .allEuro==false: We return the national currencies for each country which doesn't belong to the EURO.
The conversion factors are defined in the maps currencies.ini.
yellow column shows conversion factors
yellow column shows conversion factors
Check the attached images.
So if you want to get every price in the same NON EURO currency you have to convert it on client side, e.g. based on those factors.

Regards Bernd
International route from London via  Stockholm to Prague
International route from London via Stockholm to Prague
allEuro==TRUE<br />Every price is transformed in EURO
Every price is transformed in EURO
result in allEuro==FALSE<br />Every toll price is given in national currencies
result in allEuro==FALSE
Every toll price is given in national currencies