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SpeedForLinkDistance and HPR handling

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 1:01 pm
by Bernd Welter

these days I've been asked for the handling of speeds in xServer2. Roughly spoken the static speed approach is based on the following attributes within com.ptvgroup.xserver.vehicleprofile.Speeds
  • speedRangesByNetworkClass (maximumSpeeds and minimumSpeeds)
  • maximumSpeed
  • speedForLinkDistance
While the first two bullets are definetly relevant in the process of HPR (highPerformanceROutingNetwork) creation I was wondering, how the speedForLinkDistance fits into this technical concept:
Left: implicit usage of an HPR: depending on the requests effective profile a matching HPR is searched<br /><br />Right: explicit HPR usage - the desired HPR is identified ny it's unique ID. In this case the request can not contain further routing options / request profile options such as the speedForLinkDistance
Left: implicit usage of an HPR: depending on the requests effective profile a matching HPR is searched

Right: explicit HPR usage - the desired HPR is identified ny it's unique ID. In this case the request can not contain further routing options / request profile options such as the speedForLinkDistance
So it depends on how the transaction identifies the HPR in charge:
  • With the explicit HPR ID the underlying HPRs have to be recalculated if you want to "change" the speedForLinkDistance - though there are no waypoints available in the process of the HPR creation.
  • With the implicit approach you need to know that the speedForLinkDistance is not a relevant property for the "matching process" which searches a valid HPR based on the effective profile gathered at runtime.
Thanks to Max for the info!
