New Geocoder Index / GCD available: 20241218

deals with geocoding and reverse geocoding in the context of PTV Geocoding&Places, PTV Geocoding&Places OSM and PTV xLocate 1 and 2
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Bernd Welter
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Posts: 2740
Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2014 10:28 am

New Geocoder Index / GCD available: 20241218

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi there,

we just released a new geocoder index for the xLocate2 engine: 20241218

  • Index update is required if you want to benefit from the upcoming xLocate v2.35 feature "Improvement: Reverse Geocoding only returns streets with names starting with maps from 2025."
If you want to update your system get in touch with your sales counterpart and request the index download.

Bernd Welter
Technical Partner Manager Developer Components
PTV Logistics - Germany

Bernd at... The Forum,LinkedIn, Youtube, StackOverflow
I like the smell of PTV Developer in the morning... :twisted:
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