Road Toll in Denmark from 1.1.2025

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Bernd Welter
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Road Toll in Denmark from 1.1.2025

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi there,

in the last weeks we are getting asked the following question by multiple users:
Starting from January 1, 2025, Denmark will begin charging €0.11 per kilometer, and it appears that your service is not currently calculating tolls for that country. I would appreciate it if you could look into this matter
Our answer:
  • :!: Please ensure to apply a proper time consideration context, e.g. StartTime > 1.1.2025 (as with any other routing if you are looking for proper toll)
  • The current toll scenario is labelled as a forecast - we are waiting for the Danish government to ratify the prices.
    As you can se from the screenshot (computed on PTV Developer on 28.11.2025) the new toll in Denmark is currently a forecast
    As you can se from the screenshot (computed on PTV Developer on 28.11.2025) the new toll in Denmark is currently a forecast
Bernd Welter
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Re: Road Toll in Denmark from 1.1.2025

Post by Stefan »

Hi Bernd,

the xServer 1 on Premise is on "PTV Europe / World City Map Premium 2024.2H" at the Moment.
The newest toll update PDF file doesn't contain a forecast scenario for denmark valid from 01.01.2025.

I sadly haven't managed to gain (forecast) toll values for routings in denmark with xserver1 and i provided a "Start_time" with the value 2025-02-25T13:00:00 and even (the same) as toll date.

Your Blog-Page ... t-denmark/
states out that its from version 2.30 onwards so i am not completely sure about the support of XServer1.

The documents i have seen so far regarding this topic yet seem to have no real connection to the new "CO2 Emission Classes".

==> Will this new denmark toll be also available with xServer1?
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Re: Road Toll in Denmark from 1.1.2025

Post by Bernd Welter »

Hi Stefan,

I forwarded the question
Does xServer1 support basic toll scenarios for the upcoming Danish 2025 toll?
to some backend expert... Hopefully he can respond soon.


PS: one more reason to migrate to xServer2 / Developer ;-)
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Re: Road Toll in Denmark from 1.1.2025

Post by Bernd Welter »

Meanwhile I receeived this info from our tpoll data expert:
We are aware of this topic and in the evaluation stage.The challenge is whether the existing basic toll data approach of xServer 1 (less flexible than Detailed Toll in xS2/DEV) would be able to return "acceptable approximations". Hopefully we have some decision by Christmas.
  • You made no error (besides assuming that we have a basic toll scenario for DK) ;-)
  • Feel free to return in the forum if you didn't get the result by then.
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Re: Road Toll in Denmark from 1.1.2025

Post by Bernd Welter »

Just received some update about "basic toll for Denmark 2025":
  1. Hi Bernd, for Denmark basic toll, not fixed date for now, but somewhere in February I expect it to be ready. Still not sure if accuracy of toll calculation will be as good as for detailed toll.
  2. One more thing from me: xS1 doesn't have co2emissionclass parameter, so that won't be covered in that update (as it is not covered in DEU and AUT, etc.)
:!: In fact the second statement means that due to the fact that xServer1 profile does not "know" the co2EmissionClassEU (invented in xServer2.31) the basic toll approach is not as accurate/flexible as the detailed toll which is available through xServer2 and PTV Developer.

Best regards,
Bernd Welter
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Re: Road Toll in Denmark from 1.1.2025

Post by Bernd Welter »

Here's some interesting news:
As most of you already know, the delay of the new Denmark toll for xServer 1 and Map&Guide internet is currently a hot topic for a lot of our customers.

Today we got the official information from Development that the (basic) toll will be available in both products (with Here maps!!) [..] in calendar week 7 (10.02-14.02).

For xServer 1 and RO-ST customers with TomTom maps, the (basic) toll will be available one week later: Monday February 17th. Information for customers: calendar week 8 (24.02-28.02)
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Re: Road Toll in Denmark from 1.1.2025

Post by Bernd Welter »

The following approach is just a workaround, but please take a few seconds to understand the idea behind it:
The core idea is to replace the insufficient xServer1 basic toll with KPIs gathered through PTV Developer
  • Create the route as usual through the xRoute 1 API
  • Use the polyline to create a Developer.MapMatching which returns a route ID
  • Use the Developer.Routing API with the RouteID and create the detailed toll based on the reconstructed route
Known flaws:
  • Route lists with more than 2 waypoints?
Bernd Welter
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