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On short term: Webinar series about new CO2 Emission toll

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 7:58 am
by Bernd Welter
Hi there,

as the upcoming CO2 based toll in Europe seems to irritate some players we will offer a series of webinars on short term. During the sessions we ill
  • Explain toll from a generic user perspective
  • Explain the technical approaches and availability within PTV Developer and PTV xServer (both onPremise and in XServer Internet)
  • Provide live demos
  • Most important: Answer your open questions (chat or audio) - send them to in advance!
If you want to get updated in the next weeks feel free to register for any of these sessions (16.11.2023, 23.11.2023, 30.11.2023): The sessions will be available on
  • Recordings of 16.11.2023 : German, English (not listed on the channel)
We look forward to your participation!
