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repetitive manoeuvreDesc in xRoute 1

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 4:33 pm
by Bernd Welter
Recently a user did run into some repetitive instructions in his array of manoeuvreDesc[..].
He asked how to get rid of it:
The customer mentions that the Turn-by-Turn sends repetitive instructions. We have now received a JSON request and response.
His expectation is to find a parameter that would make this repetition disappear. According to him, the less detailed setting is giving too little information.
Testclient output STANDARD
Testclient output STANDARD
I looked into this and here's some feedback:
  • We won't handle this specific requirement within a future xRoute 1 release. Period.
  • If you simply want to produce a single list of instructions you can reduce the doublettes on client side - that's not rocket science. Took me 5minutes to display "undesired" texts in my existing application - they are shown in gray.
  • If you want to create a list where you'd also show extended properties such as "accDist, accTime" it is more complicated but still not "impossible". All required info is part of the original manoeuvre list and the segment list. It just requires a proper aggregate.