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Additional data for logistics usecases

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 11:29 am
by Bernd Welter
Every once in a while a partner asks me for additional data he can't find in the PTV API's such as
  • POI's with more detailed attributes (restaurant opening times, parking spots with secure spaces and booking features...)
  • Weather data (history, live and forecast)
  • Administrative data (federal borders, zipcode areas)
  • Consumer data (shopping power statistics, zensus, ...)
Though this kind of data might not be available through the known PTV xServer or PTV Developer APIs it is an option to look into our PTV Data for Logistics overview. For many usecases we can provide access via
  • special data API's
  • one-time data provisioning
If you miss such data let us know - our "spatial agents" will be more than happy to assist!
